
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Consulate General of Algeria in London

  مواقيت العمل من الثلاثاء إلى السبت من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 مصلحة التأشيرات : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 13:00 مصلحة الوثائق البيومترية : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 تعلم القنصلية العامة أنه تم البدئ بنظام المواعيد بمصلحة الوثائق البيومترية

Marriage & divorce registration

Important notes:

Please take note of the following general information:

  • The marriage of an Algerian citizen solemnised in a register office in the UK  can be registered at the Algerian Consulate in London, if the marriage has been celebrated in another country than the UK , the registration must be made at the Algerian Embassy or Consulate in the country where getting married;
  • A family book (livret de famille) is issued after registration;
  • The citizens whose marriage is registered at the Consulate in London may obtain a marriage certificate. The document to be provided is the family book or a copy of a previous marriage certificate issued at the Consulate in London;
  • The marriage certificates issued by a Mosque in the UK must be recognised by the Tribunal in Algiers (judgement of wedding validation);
  • Please be advised that it is in the algerian citizen's interest not to delay the application for the registration of their marriage. It must be registered at the Algerian Consulate as soon as getting the british marriage certificate from the register office;
  • The application for a marriage registration submitted by an Algerian women married to a non muslim must be accompanied by the Long birth certificate of the husband and a certificate of muslim religion (Certificat de Conversion à l'Islam) issued by a mosque or an association agreed by the British Authorities;
  • Please note also that it is in the citizen's interest to provide all the documents listed bellow ;
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted and those sent by mail will be ignored or returned to the sender;
  • Applications sent by post should include a copy of the valid consular registration card signed by the holder and a prepaid self addressed special or recorded delivery envelop for the return of the documents. Do not send money by post.
  • Citizens who are not registered at the Consulate can apply for the registration of their mariage, the applicant must be in possession of a proof of his/her Algerian nationality and identity. In this regards, the only documents accepted are: the Algerian passport, the Algerian National Identity Card (CNIA) or the Military Card with a photo, the applicant must also fill an application form for non registered national and provide two (02) recent passport size photos with the name at the back;
  • It is worth to recall that applications for the registring marriage be lodged mornings only from 9 am to 12 noon (Tuesday to Saturday);
  • Priority is given to applications for registration of marriage made in the same year it has taken place;
  • The process of marriage registration takes a minimum of a calendar month (depending on the number of applications).

 The documents required for the registration of mariage  (Only for marriage celebrated in the UK or ) are:

   1-The application form, to be filled in arabic, dated and signed by the applicant;

   2- A copy of the marriage certificate issued by the Register Office;

   3- Husband's and spouse's original full birth certificate (short birth certificates are not accepted), of less than 06 months, issued by the town hall of the place of birth (for algerian husbunds and spouses, the birth certificate must be essued from the town hall of the place of birth in Algeria or from the Algerian embassy or the consulate in the country where born) ;

  4- Birth certificates issued in another language than Arabic, English or French must officially translated (by a sworn translator) into one of these three languages;

  5- Certificate of Muslim Religion (Certificat de Conversion à l'Islam) issued by a mosque or an association agreed by the British Authorities for non algerian husbands

  6- A copy of the applicant's consular registration card for those registred in the consulate;

  7-Applicant's proof of Algerian nationality and identity (should be the Algerian passport, the National identity Card (CNI) or the Military Card with a photo) for non registered citizens.The applicant must also fill an application form for non registered national and provide two (02) recent passport size photos with the name at the back.

Divorce registration

orce in the UK or and if the marriage is already registered by our office, an act of execution (Exequatur du jugement de divorce) must be obtained from the Tribunal in Algeria.

Exequatur d'un jugement: is a Court order, by an Algerian judge, which makes enforceable on the national territory a final judgment of divorce (or ruling) of a British  Tribunal. Final judgment of divorce and certificate of no appeal of divorce, if the mention: final judgment is not worn, are required

Lost family book:

If a family book issued by the Consulate of Algeria in London is lost, the head of the family may obtain a duplicate. In this case, the documents to be provided are the following:

  1. The lost document form (déclaration de perte) to be filled, dated and signed by the applicant;
  2. Payment by cash only of £2 representing the fees for the lost document and the issuance of the duplicate (£20).
  3. All applications sent by mail should include a prepaid self-addressed envelope special delivery.

    4. For residents , in addition to a self addressed envelop, applicants must send a postal order payable to the Algerian consulate in GBP to cover the fees service that you apply for it and the postage fees.


Algerian Consulate


nouveau siege portal way 2

Algerian General Consulate in London
5 Portal Way w3 6RT

 (+44) 0208 752 1177

National Service.

معركة الجزائر التطبيق

Election الإنتخابات


الوكالة الجزائرية لترقية الاستثمار




Biometric Passport


How to obtain it ?
How to renew it ?
Photo requirements

Book an appointment

tel fix (+44) 020 7594 0157


Civil Status

error civil

Civil status documents correction

form in Arabic
form in french

Required Documents

Birth Certificate 12s

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