
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Consulate General of Algeria in London

  مواقيت العمل من الثلاثاء إلى السبت من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 مصلحة التأشيرات : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 13:00 مصلحة الوثائق البيومترية : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 تعلم القنصلية العامة أنه تم البدئ بنظام المواعيد بمصلحة الوثائق البيومترية


Registration on the electoral rolls:

According to the Organic Law No. 12-01 of 12 January 2012 relating to the electoral system in particular Articles 6 and 7, the Consulate recalls that:

The consular registration does not imply automatic registration on the electoral rolls.

As the registration on the electoral rolls is compulsory, all citizens fulfilling the conditions required by the law and not enlisted on any electoral roll should apply for their enrolment on a single electoral list to be able to perform their civic duty.

The consulate establishes a voting card for each citizen registred on the electoral roll.

Citizens who wish to register on the electoral roll must meet the Following conditions:

  • Must be registred at the consulate;
  • Must be 18 years old on election day;
  • Should not be registred in any other electoral roll of other administrative or consular district (registration can not be in more than one electoral roll).

Review of the electoral rolls:

There are two types of review of the electoral rolls that operate under the supervision of an administrative commission.

  • Ordinary review: the ordinary review of the electoral rolls is held every year from 1st to 31st October.
  • Exceptional review: the electoral rolls may be revised exceptionally during the announcement of an election. The opening and closing of the period of exceptional review dates are set by presidential decree.

Before each revision, whether ordinary or extraordinary, the consulate announces the opening of the period of the review of the electoral rolls. The request for the enrolment on or the removal from the electoral lists may be done at the consulate during that period, from Tuesday to Saturday, 09:00am to 03:00pm, or by filling in the application form for enrolment or the application form for removal and sending it to the Consulate either by:

Mail to: Consulate of Algeria, 5 Portal Way acton W3 6RT;

fax: 0208 752 1177 ;

Email to:

Enrolled citizens willing to check their enrolment on the electoral lists can do it through one of the means detailed above.

Requirements for voting:

- Must be registered on the electoral roll of the consular district;

- Enjoy his/her civil and political rights;

- Not be in a state of incapacity specified in the legislation in force.

The vote:

In general, the elections took place on one day fixed by Presidential Decree. But the election date may be advanced one hundred and twenty (120) hours for members of the Algerian community abroad.

According to address of their residence, voters can exercise their right to vote and perform their civic duty in one of the polling stations opened in different cities in the UK , the locations, days and opening hours will be communicated at the appropriate time.

The voters must bring their Algerian ID: Consular registration card, Algerian ID card, Algerian passport as well as the voting card (foreign IDs/passports and driver's licence are not accepted).

The vote is personal and secret.

In accordance with the article 57 of the Organic Law Nº 12-01 dated 12 January 2012 relating to the electoral system, the voters can exercise their right to cast their ballots by proxy in case of hospitalisation, heavy disability or being abroad. Also, they can exercise their right to vote by proxy for elections of People's Municipal Assemblies and the Popular Assemblies of Wilayat (these elections held in Algeria only).

The voters can establish the proxy to a mandated person at the headquarters of the Consulate where the special forms are available. It must be noted that the proxy can be given only to a mandated person who must enjoy his/her civil and political rights and be listed on the same electoral list as the appointing voter. Each mandated person can have one proxy only.

The period of establishment of proxies is fixed by regulation, the opening date of this period will be communicated at the appropriate time.


Algerian Consulate


nouveau siege portal way 2

Algerian General Consulate in London
5 Portal Way w3 6RT

 (+44) 0208 752 1177

National Service.

معركة الجزائر التطبيق

Election الإنتخابات


الوكالة الجزائرية لترقية الاستثمار




Biometric Passport


How to obtain it ?
How to renew it ?
Photo requirements

Book an appointment

tel fix (+44) 020 7594 0157


Civil Status

error civil

Civil status documents correction

form in Arabic
form in french

Required Documents

Birth Certificate 12s

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