
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Consulate General of Algeria in London

  مواقيت العمل من الثلاثاء إلى السبت من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 مصلحة التأشيرات : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 13:00 مصلحة الوثائق البيومترية : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 تعلم القنصلية العامة أنه تم البدئ بنظام المواعيد بمصلحة الوثائق البيومترية

National Service

National Service Census 2024 (classe 2027)

The Algerian Consulate General in London informs all citizens born between January 1 and December 31, 2007, that they can register themselves with the National Service Census.

Therefore, those concerned or their legal tutors must apply during the period between January 2 and September 30, 2024 to the Consulate General in London, bringing the following documents:

- Birth certificate.

- A copy of the tutor’s consular card.

- 02 Two photos.

At the following address:

General Consulate of Algeria in London, 05 Portal Way. W3 6RT, London

A census certificate is issued to the applicants in the census lists by the consular services.

In the case of absence, registration to the census lists must requested by the legal tutor of the concerned citizen.

National service is compulsory for all Algerian citizens over the age of 19 years. Concerned citizens must register themselves on census lists at diplomatic or consular representations abroad.

For inquiries or more information, please call: 02087528069

Or email: admin @ algerian-consulate.org.uk


National service census is a compulsory administrative operation. It concerns all Algerians of 17 full years, residing within the consular jurisdiction and registered with the Algerian Consulate General in London.

Failure to enrol shall involve the loss of the right of exemption, deferment, and deferral of incorporation.

Citizens who have reached the age of 19 should apply for the following:

1- DEFERMENT (Sursis): is granted for the whole period of studies, renewed each year till completion or cessation of course of studies.

a) Application for the first time, you need to submit:

- Application form, filled and signed;

- Original birth certificate –NOT S12- (from the consulate for those born in the UK and from the Baladiyat of birth for those born in Algeria);

- School enrolment certificate of the current year;

- Copy of the consular registration card;

- 04 passport-sized photographs;

- Copy of residence card or of any document proving residence in the UK (British passport, biometric residence permit, utility bills, bank statement ...).

b) Extension of deferment (renouvellement de sursis): you need to submit:

- Application form, filled and signed;

- Copy of the consular registration card;

- Original previous deferment certificate;

- School enrolment certificate of the current year.

NB. To avoid unnecessary delays, applications for deferment or extension of deferment should be submitted at the beginning of each academic year.

2- DEFERRAL OF INCORPORATION (report d’incorporation): granted for applicant whose brother is under the flag or recalled to serve in the Army, or having any duly justified temporary impediment.

You need to submit the same above-mentioned documents of deferment, in addition to documents evidencing your application.

3- EXEMPTION (dispense): is granted for the following reasons:

- Ordinary application: for applicants having completed or abandoned their studies. You need to submit:

- Application form, filled and signed;

- Original birth certificate –NOT S12- (from the Consulate for those born in UK and from the baladiya of birth for those born in Algeria);

- Copy of the consular registration card;

- Copy of residence card or of any document proving residence in UK (British passport, biometric residence permit, utility bills, bank statement ...);

- 02 passport-sized photographs;

- Copy of obtained diploma (Algerian or British) or the last school enrolment certificate in case of abandonment of studies;

- Copy of work contract or any evidence of paid activity (last 3 months payslips).

b) For medical reasons: you need to submit, in addition to the above-mentioned documents, any evidence proving the disease or mental or physical disability of the applicant (medical certificates, X-rays (if any), medical report ….).

NbEnglish-language documents should be translated in the Arabic or French language.

c) For social reason: such as family supporting reason (soutien de famille)or any social reason worthy of interest. In addition to the 5 above-mentioned documents, you need to submit:

- Application addressed to the Ministry of National Defense under the authority of the Consulate of Algeria in London;

- Copy of the family record book for the parents;

- Death certificate of the father (if any) /divorce certificate of parents (if any) or father’s certificate of unemployment, retirement or of disability.

- Copy of work contract or evidence of paid activity;

- Documents demonstrating position of the brothers towards national service.

4- Exemption for Algerian-French nationals:

Under the Algerian-French Agreement on National Service dated on 11 October 1983, Algerian nationals holding French nationality may be exempted from Algerian national service by providing, in addition to the above-mentioned documents of deferment or exemption:

Declaration d’Option” and “Certificat des Services”, both issued by the French military authorities.

5- Application for duplicate national service documents in case of loss or damage: in addition to the identity documents, you need to submit:

    - Loss report;

    - 2 photographs;

    - Copy of the lost or damaged document if any;

6- Exemption of nationals under presidential measures: you should submit:

     - Application form, filled and signed;

     - Original birth certificate –NOT S12- (from the Consulate for those born in UK and from the baladiya of birth for those born in Algeria);

     - School enrolment certificate of the current year or certificate of work;

     - Copy of the consular registration card;

     - 04 passport-sized photographs;

     - Copy of residence card or of any document proving residence in UK (British passport, biometric residence permit, utility bills, bank statement ....).

General Note: in order to facilitate our work and reduce time, please consider making COPIES of the required documents.

Algerian Consulate


nouveau siege portal way 2

Algerian General Consulate in London
5 Portal Way w3 6RT

 (+44) 0208 752 1177

National Service.

معركة الجزائر التطبيق

Election الإنتخابات


الوكالة الجزائرية لترقية الاستثمار




Biometric Passport


How to obtain it ?
How to renew it ?
Photo requirements

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tel fix (+44) 020 7594 0157


Civil Status

error civil

Civil status documents correction

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form in french

Required Documents

Birth Certificate 12s

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