
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Consulate General of Algeria in London

  مواقيت العمل من الثلاثاء إلى السبت من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:00 مصلحة التأشيرات : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 13:00 مصلحة الوثائق البيومترية : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:00

تعلم القنصلية العامة للجزائر بلندن أعضاء الجالية الجزائرية المقيمين بالمملكة المتحدة أنه تم البدء بالعمل بنظام المواعيد بالنسبة لخدمات تجديد واستخراج الوثائق البيو مترية بداية من التاسع 09 أفريل 2024


The Consulate General of Algeria in London informs members of the Algerian community residing in the UK that an appointment system has been introduced for the biometric documents renewal and extraction from the 09th of April 2024.


تعلم القنصلية العامة جميع أعضاء الجالية الجزائرية المقيمين بالمملكة المتحدة أنه يمكنهم التسجيل أو الشطب في القائمة الانتخابية بصفة أولية وغير نهائية على مستوى القنصلية العامة للجزائر بلندن

إفطــار على شرف الجالية

نظمت القنصلية العامة للجزائر بلندن مساء يوم الخامس 05 من أفريل 2024 إفطارا رمضانيا على شرف الجالية الجزائرية المقيمة بالمملكة المتحدة


On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the General Consulate’s services will be closed on Wednesday the 10th, Thursday the 11th and Friday the 12th of April 2024.


بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك، تكون مصالح القنصلية العامة مغلقة أيام الأربعاء 10، الخميس 11 والجمعة 12 من شهر أفريل 2024

عيدكم مبــارك وكل عام وأنتم بخير


تعلن القنصلية العامة للجزائر بلندن عن بيع سيارة بالمواصفات الاتية
I800 GENRE VANالنوع هيونداي
سنة الصنع: 2011
علبة السرعة يدوية


All consular services:
Tuesday to Saturday: 09:30 AM to 14:30PM

Visa services:
Tuesday to Friday: 09:30 AM to 13:00 PM
Saturday: Closed

Ramadan working hours

 التسجيسلات في تخصص "المقاولاتية معرفة المؤسسة " ستجري خلال الفترة الممتدة من 17 إلى 30 مارس 2024 في الولايات التالية

الجزائر العاصمة - بسكرة - تلمسان - المدية - قالمة - بجاية - الوادي - -الوادي -
سيدي بلعباس - سطيف - ورقلة - عنابة 

يتم التسجيل عبر الموقع

دورات قصيرة المدى حضوريا خلال العطل الصيفية لفائدة أبناء الجالية
تعلم القنصلية العامة الجزائرية بلندن كافة المواطنين المولودين بين 1 جانفي و31 ديسمبر 2007، .أنه بإمكانهم تسجيل أنفسهم بإحصاء الخدمة الوطنية
ولذا على المعنيين أو أوليائهم التقدم خلال الفترة الممتدة ما بين 2 جانفي و30 سبتمبر 2024 إلى مقر القنصلية العامة بلندن لاستكمال ملف الإحصاء

إحصاء الخدمة الوطنية


Tuesday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 14:30PM
Saturday: 09:00 AM to 13:00 PM
Biometry services
Tuesday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 14:00 PM
Saturday: 09:00 AM to 13:00 PM
Visa services:
Tuesday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 13:00 PM
Saturday: Closed

Winter working hours

The Algerian Consulate General would like to inform you that starting from the 1st June 2023, the new opening hours of Lodging and collection of visa applications, as well as the legalization of the commercial documents, will be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Tuesday to Friday. Visa section will be closed on Saturday.


Meeting with the Algerian Community living in Cardiff

Meeting with the Algerian Community living in Cardiff

A Consular delegation headed by Mrs Kenza BENALI, Consul of Algeria in the United kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, has visited Cardiff city on the 17th and 18th of March 2019, this visit comes amid closeness actions taken by the Algerian Consulate in London towards the members of the Algerian Community living in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland.

This visit is part of set of visits held by Mrs. the Consul, aiming to strengthen relations with Algerian nationals living in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland, to be constantly listening to them, and to improve the quality of services provided to them to meet better their expectations.

The meeting was an opportunity to explain to our citizens who attended the Conference-debate organized on this occasion the series of measures taken by the public authorities in order to simplify and facilitate of the administrative procedure, such measures include:

- Biometric passport and ID card;

- Online correction of the mistakes on the civil status documents;

- Certificate of capacity for the driving license;

- Online criminal records,

- Public Housing Program LPP and all regulations regarding the creation of micro company for young Algerian citizens aged between 19-35

- Presidential measures taken to allow Algerian nationals residing abroad to regularize their situation regarding the military service: “Algerian citizens aged 30 and
above, Algerian citizens born between 1st January 1989 and 31st December 1993 who completed their studies in 2014, and the census operation for Algerian citizens residing in the UK and in the Republic of Ireland born between 1st January and 31st December 2002.”

- Transfer of the remains.

This visit gives rise to warm sincere and constructive exchange which foreshadowed of beautiful perspective of working with all members of the Algerian community living in this City. Also, mobile consular services were made during this meeting.

During her stay at the Welsh Capital, Mrs. the Consul has paid a courtesy visit to Mrs Dianne Rees “The Lord Mayor of Cardiff City” during which they had have an exchange of views about issues related to the Algerian Community residing in this City and the actions of the government towards them and as well the prospects that contribute to the strengthening of the cooperation between the two countries.

Also, during her visit to Cardiff, Mrs Kenza BENALI, had a meeting at the University of Cardiff with the Algerian scholarship students, where they pursue training in English language under the understanding bilateral agreement between two countries which were signed in 2013. The discussions during the meeting focused on the university curriculum, the conditions of their reception and accommodations as well the difficulties that Algerian students may face.

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Algerian Consulate


nouveau siege portal way 2

Algerian General Consulate in London
5 Portal Way w3 6RT

 (+44) 0208 752 1177


Emergency line

619338 middle


National Service.

معركة الجزائر التطبيق

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Biometric Card CNIBE (2)


Application form 

Delisting form

Election by proxy form

Biometric Passport


How to obtain it ?
How to renew it ?
Photo requirements

Book an appointment

tel fix (+44) 020 7594 0157


Civil Status

error civil

Civil status documents correction

form in Arabic
form in french

Required Documents

Birth Certificate 12s

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